lol resolutions

Wow! I really need to stop promising so much and underdelivering!! It has been about 4 months since the start of the year and I haven’t fulfilled my New Year’s Resolutions one bit. I only set three! And yet, I haven’t done a single one.

Every day I spend more than 2 hours on social media. I haven’t read a single book since the term started and ended. I also have not been writing on this blog! Although I haven’t been living by my resolutions for this year, I have completed my third year of university successfully! I took 9 courses this past school year and took 4 of those courses in this past term. I was able to get some pretty good grades (aside from one course… but that’s okay!!!). My grade average hasn’t taken a huge hit but it didn’t go any higher. I’m content and I’m proud to have done pretty well despite going through a few things this past (school) year. In the first term during the winter of last year, I was really having a hard time handling schoolwork, life experiences, and my own health. Going into the second term earlier this year, I kind of came to terms with how I would get my schoolwork done, with life experiences, and with the fact that I am not, in fact, the world’s most average man.

I went through all of high school thinking that I was the most average and boring person to exist. I had Good Health, Good Grades, did One Sport (and was above-average Good at it), and had a Good Family. Turns out:

    • My physical health is pretty good (despite random food sensitivities to tree nuts and such + spring allergies + bad cough everytime I get a cold) and I have ADHD (WIP: trying to figure out myself)
    • My grades are still Good: maintaining a B+/A- average takes skill too
    • Table tennis is fun but competitions might not be for me
    • Every family has their own issues and although my direct family is pretty close-knit, we are still individuals who have their own beliefs and opinions that may differ from the rest of the family.

Anyhow, this past school year I learned a lot about myself, my family, and life. Life is very short even if you make it past 80, 90 years old. There is only so much time in one’s life when you are healthy and energized. You also don’t know when you will pass away! That’s not very reassuring but we don’t have any control over the inevitable end. What we can control is what we do in the present. With this in mind, I suppose I will take more initiative with my activities. I often “let” or “allow” things to happen. I suppose it is time for me to actually “get” to things and “do” them.

I’m going to have to end this blog post on a lighter note! This coming summer, I will be looking at the present and near future. I will be taking two summer courses and then looking for a part-time job. I will be doing my best to be organized, thoughtful, and proactive. Here’s to doing my best to stay afloat!

When I Got My MSN

Two days ago I got a MSN. First of all you were wondering what a MSN is.  A MSN is on the computer and you could connect to the people you want to talk  to and  you could type.  I could talk to anyone I want! I feel happy.

Anything I Can Write

So you can see I can tell you lots of things.  And my sister lost her fifteenth tooth! And today I got hurt twice.The first time was my mom playing with my pants. And second was my sister accidently  cut me. But I am okay.

Canada Day Carnival

Yesterday was Canada Day. Which means the carnival’s back!! What I did at the carnival:play golf, toilet toss, ring toss, plinko, shooting stars, and jumping castle. The Canada cake had so much strawberries. It was so yummy!! 😛 I saw my classmates. *

*Grace typed it, Gloria instructed me. 😛

My Tooth

Today I lost a tooth.  Do you know how?  I will tell you.   At school I fell down and scraped myself.  And I knocked my chin!  Do you know how I fall?    I ran so fast that I fall down.  So that’s what happened.  It was raining and I slipped.  My friend Nathan found my tooth.  Now that I am happy I can enjoy!

P.S. After dinner, my mom helped me to pull out another wiggle tooth.  So one day I lost two teeth.  Not bad!

The Time I Was Sick

On Friday I was sick.  But I still go to school in the morning. After I felt cold. My teacher phoned my mom to pick up me home. Now I am fine. Today I feel so good to go to school.