Unfamiliar Flag

I’m in America! I’m with my maternal grandparents. Today we leave San Francisco. We have done lots of things in the span of six days. Such as celebrate my grandparents’ birthdays, go on a carousel multiple times, walk to and from the hotel and my grandparents’ house, go to a fancy mall (with interesting escalators), and eat a whole lot. My battery on my phone is a little low and I want to save it for later so, see ya when I get back to my computer!


Hi. It is quite hot these days. I haven’t complained about work for a while. I like complaining about work because it makes me feel like I have things to do. That might change in the next year, or not, depending on my mood. I think.
The Olympics are interesting to watch, even though I don’t understand the grading/scoring of some of the events. It fun, because I can’t do any of the sports, apart from ping pong, but that’s a whole other level.
Also, school starts in SEVENTEEN days. Whoa. But even that seems faraway because of the trip in 4 days. For 5 days. I might post something. Or not. Anyways, I will go do something useful. Well then, see ya!


There is less than a week until my family and I go to San Francisco. I can’t say I am excited, but I am looking forward to the trip. Every time I go somewhere I try to think positively. This time I will probably be optimistic. There was a time when I didn’t really want to stay after I got there, but I got through it. Yes, Gloria didn’t think about her own thoughts and just did whatever it was a good model child did. But less model like. Hahaaha. Well, these days, all I have been doing is sleep in until it is 12 pm-ish, watch random dramas (sorry y’all), listen to lots of music, read a library book, play Candy Crush (sorry), and go out with my parents and siblings. And play ping pong every week. And overstretch and have super sore legs. Yep. Yippee. It is getting late, so I will end this post here. See you next time I write!

Augustus Gloop

There are two reasons why I called this post ‘Augustus Gloop’. 1) I finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to my brother 2) It’s August! My brother is very weird. He thinks that school is exciting. Like maybe the thought of going to school. For a pre-kindergartner it may seem cool, but man, for me, a pre-secondary person, I kind of dread the change in environment. I hate being in an unfamiliar place. Even if I have been there several times before. I probably will adjust to it in like, a year..? I dunno. Maybe. Anyways, I have a dentist appointment in 3 daays. I hate dentists. I just don’t. Then, in the last week of August I go to San Francisco to visit my grandparents. Yippee! Airplanessss. Alright then, see y’all later!