Best Friends #13

Before I begin, I will say that I, Grace, am writing this. So it’s good.

And Chelsea went to the hospital to see her dad. Then when she saw him, she felt bad for him. When Chelsea’s dad was all better, he could go bicycling with her. Meanwhile at Jared’s place, he was writing one book at one time, until nighttime he was still writing then he was tired of writing and he was ready to go inside from the treehouse. At dinner he ate so less and then he went to his room and he climbed out of the window and he wrote a note so quickly and he threw a rope to Chelsea’s window. When Chelsea saw him, she held the other part of the rope she pulled and pulled and pulled. Jared got there. He gave her the note he wrote and she said thank you for the note. Then he went down and went over the fence of Chelsea’s home and walked to his window and through a rope that could curl around a round thing, and it did! And then he jumped up so high, that he could reach his windowsill. He was …

To be continued…

P.s. I typed this word by word (Gloria’s words), so all is by her. Will write soon, from Grace and Gloria

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