2017 New Year’s Resolutions!

Hey guys, Happy New Year! 2016 has come to an end. That means 2017 has started, and there must be a post on some goals for the rest of the year. Well, without further ado, the resolutions!

  1. Try to get my creativity out in different ways (drawing, writing, idk what else).
  2. Focus (whether it be around people, at school, or when playing sports).
  3. Less use of my phone.
  4. Sleep at more appropriate times.
  5. Try to keep the desk organized for as long as possible and clean every once in a while.
  6. Organize time for everything; have a plan. 🙂
  7. Spend more time with the child. GABEYY.

Well, that seems to be it. There isn’t as much as I thought. I guess 7 is a good number to stop at as I am not used to seeing the year as 2017. 2016 was fun, uneventful, and strangely turned pretty bad at the end.
School starts in 2 days. I don’t think I’m very excited for it to begin. I should get back into my school sleeping schedule. However, I don’t think I’m getting very close to getting my sleep schedule back to normal anytime soon. I just can’t fall asleep at normal times.

I noticed that recently I’ve been painting a whole bunch of random things. Is it so that I have something to do? I do… but I don’t really want to. ((:

I hope everyone has a good 2017! Happy New Year again!

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