missed it

Today, I missed the bus on the way home, so I walked home. It takes the same amount of time anyway. I walked past my elementary school. I think my shoes were too flat, and that caused my feet to hurt.

Anyway, at school, we have this thing called a Science Fair. I have barely started, and I already don’t like it. Unlike the others; they say that they hate it; but I just don’t like it. Like, really don’t like it. I have table tennis team practice tomorrow. And P.E. before that; it’s block 4. At least it’s basketball. I mean, if it doesn’t drain the energy out of me, table tennis might. Another thought, I have to go home after that. I have to take the busss. Or call home. Idk. I might take the bus anyway.

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I still dislike Tuesdays. Dammit. Well, I don’t like any other day. Except… Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, time isn’t moving any faster for me to skip a couple of days. Dammit. Anyway, I should organize my stuff for tomorrow, so goodnight! ((:

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