spring into action

Well. It snowed on Monday, and with today being a rather warm Friday, I think the weather is having some temperature spasms. It was like 4 degrees Celsius yesterday, but today was like 11 degrees after school.

Today was the last day of school before Spring Break. I want to meet with an old friend. Mainly because I haven’t seen them in quite a while. Maybe 2 years? I dunno. I talked to them within that time though, but not face-to-face. Anyway, O have some homework, actually less than I thought I would have. I have to do my last Lit. Circle for English, an Art History page (or two), aandd… that’s it. Only two assignments. My Lit. Circle is already half complete, and the Art History page will probably take a day to finish. I finally get to have a bit of a break. But I should still be a little bit productive. Maybe do something useless but art-related. Perhaps sleep a little more. Write more. Conserve energy and lay down for extended periods of time. :)) And play lots of games.

It is getting late. And I want to draw or play a game, so, see y’all later!

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