sneak peak…

Hey there! I am currently writing a story and I am at 955 words. But I forgot how to end a section without making it too long. The story is called Thin Ice, and it revolves around a detective. Not that I would know anything about that. I am actually doing some research on that area. Anyways, it takes place in a fictional world. But it is mostly the same to our own world. I just don’t want to use real places, and then get criticized on how wrong it is. So yeah! I’m just trying to exercise my imagination.
You know, I kind of just realized that my train of thought when I am writing stories on this blog is really fast. For example, I think of something, it just processes through my brain really fast, and most of the time, my fingers move before I am finished thinking about the idea. So technically, my brain is spelling things out for my fingers. I think that when I am looking at the letters on the keyboard, I imagine pressing them down and typing down a story, and then I actually type it out.

I find it funny how I am typing a detective series and I’m listening to BIGBANG. It has no relation to such a topic, and yet it makes me continue writing and writing out my ideas. Maybe it reminds me of something. But, to be honest, I actually have no idea what i am doing. Mayne I’ll just finish the story today. Well, not the entire story, but that one section. You know? That one first part that is REALLY LONG. LIKE, A THOUSAND AND PROBABLY MORE WORDS A SECTION–SECTION.

Anyways, this has been Gloria. It’s been fun. Just kidding!! Until next time, my friends! Adieu~!

Floral Print

The smell of the freshly cut grass fills the humid summer air around this single dome.
This dome holds special flowers.
Each flower,
unique as to the other.
So why are there so many that dominate the other?

There are bees waiting for the sweet scent of the pollen; waiting for the nectar to be produced. People walk by as the bees work frantically, covering their faces. Why? The pollen released float around in the air, but some humans don’t want to inhale it. Allergic reactions prevent them to enjoy this luscious aroma. So why, why is this happening?

So how are these things working for you? Flowers don’t bother you. Bees don’t seem to notice you. Your allergies haven’t been acting up, have they? Are you worried? I’m doing fine. Just here by my lonesome. In this… isolated building. Don’t mind me. Forget about me. As you always do.

This summer will… be great. Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be resolved in a blink of an eye. You won’t have to do anything. Just… don’t come look for me. I’m happy, so you should too. There are flowers. Flowers everywhere I stop by. Lavender, lime, blue, all sorts. I wish you could see it. But if you were to see it, you… I… no. If you were to see it, it would be the last thing you would see. No. I can’t have you like this. We have to stop it. Stop this.

I’ll be gone for a while, so forget about this. I might be back one day.

See you then.

You need to know why things are happening like this. Every time I leave, you forget me. And every time you see me, you remember me. Things don’t work like this. I wish things could go back to how they were… but you can’t. I could, but I wouldn’t be able to bring you. But I want you to be able to see me in action… Proving to you my powers. I can rewind. But I bring anyone with me. No one knows. No one believes.

I sent you a package. Do you know it was from me? Do you know? It had a hand-made table-cloth in it. It had your favourite flowers on it. Do you like it? It’s…

Floral Print.

Click Clack

The Backspace button pushed down repeatedly, hesitant if this was really right.
Fingers pressing down on a keyboard rapidly, rushing to get things done.
The Space bar, providing all the emptiness needed.
Why would anyone want to fill those spaces?
Not me…
What is it?
There is nothing to fill.
Everything is where it is needed.
There is nothing to look at, nothing at all.
You want to see it all crammed all together, but it won’t happen.

What are you doing on your computer?

why so hesitant? (sprummer)

I have like, 3 posts that are one shots in my drafts. And I am not publishing at least one of them. That means one of them will be in my drafts forever. And the other two… I’m just a little hesitant to publish it on the website. You see, I don’t have a lot of confidence in my writing, or anything of mine… So it takes me a long time to decide something that usually takes a couple of seconds to decide. Meanwhile… I’m over here trying to figure out what to do with the things that might be critically judged. But, whatever.

It’s kind of hot here. Like, 23 degrees Celcius or something. IDK, I didn’t check. It just tells me that it is the time of year when it is half spring and half summer. SPRUMMER! JKJK. ANYWAYS, I have some things to get done. So… See you next time I update! Or post something i wish I wouldn’t/shouldn’t of.

Reincarnation (Miracle) v

“Come here, Rey. I want you to help me find your father. Use all the power you have. I will support you from the shadows. Do whatever you can for the family. Please.” The Queen clutched onto Rey’s sleeve.
Rey pushed up his circle glasses (A/N: kind of like Harry Potter glasses. eheheh) and ran a hand through his long, turquoise hair.
“Mother… I will try my… best.” Rey promised for the first time. But does that really count as a promise?
“Yes… Rey… Go down the right path. Maids. Leave us alone for a bit,” the maids looked at each other, nodded and left the room quietly, “Haaahaaahaahahahahaa. Come, follow me. I’ve created something just for you. It was something you’ve asked me to do once. I’ve really done it!” The Queen laughed hysterically as she led him to a staircase that led down to a cellar.
“DARLING~! We’re here!” The Queen clapped her hands enthusiastically.
Rey was beyond confused. Had the Queen gone crazy?
The pair walked down a long hallway with many wooden doors in the stone walls. The hall was dimly lit with torches. At long last, they reached a wooden door. It was unlike the others though. It had a simple design with jewels on the door knob and the slot at the top. There were small words on the side. It said ‘reserved for the King–project 23314’.
Knock. Knock. Creak. “HONEY!!” The Queen rushed towards a man that looked very startled and trapped.
“Rey… RUN!!”


Cold, the days were for the past several weeks. Without a single possession of yours or mine left in the world, we crept along the shadows. So what if it ended up in a secret little garden which nobody expected to be there, at all? We wouldn’t be able to reach out to anything or anyone for any help, anytime, any day. it would only be you and i.

BAAM! “Get away! He’s just a piece of garbage that miraculously found its way into this glorious city of lights. Don’t get too close to him. He probably has some kind of disease that makes him think he is all too good for us. HAAHAAHAA.” A teenage boy kicked a boy on the ground roughly said as he continued to taunt the boy.
“Kuh! Do you know who… I am?” The boy choked out at last, his sight slightly wavering.
“Ooohh! It talks! Hey, I know! You’re a prince from a fairy tale!!! Isn’t that right?” The teenager laughed, mockingly.
“That’s… not too far off. I am the prince of this country. I came here to visit the mayor and promote him. I suppose he is not aware of this madness,” the boy stopped to gasp for a little more air, “I shall report this to him… Goodbye.” The boy staggered against the brick wall in the moonlit night. He stumbled through the fog as the teenage boys stared after him in shock, with pleading cries for forgiveness.

“You were attacked? Goodness me! I told you, you should have brought a bodyguard, or EVEN ME! Geev, you’ve ought to take better care of yourself.” Geev, the boy, was receiving a lecture from his personal bodyguard. Geev winced as a maid tended to his bleeding mouth and swollen cheek.
“I wanted explore. Who knew that Mayor Flouwre has a city with some trash polluting it? But they don’t seem very strong to me. They can’t possibly doing some kind of plan to take over this beautiful city of lights. Should I still promote him? Sir Flouwre. Not much ring to it. Ehe.” Geev smiled as the maid finished up.

Reincarnation (Miracle) iv

Rey was soon adorned with even more jewels by the time the Queen’s personal maids came to escort him to the Queen.
“This way, Your Majesty.” The maids opened the large doors and he saw a woman sitting beside a flickering fireplace. She was looking down as she threw a piece of paper into the fire. He saw something that fell from her face. Was it tears?

Rey is now in front of the changed Queen, and she seems to be in a very bad shape. She’s crying and emotionally hurt. What can Rey do? Rey is actually feeling very lost in his own thoughts. He has lost all will and power to do anything else to change his story and take it back into his grasp. He needs help.

“…Come here. … Rey. How long has it been? … 4 years? Your father is gone… for now…” The Queen patted Rey’s hand.

Oh. So this is what life is like. You never know what might come after someone says something. Rey was very confused.

“It’s been 6 years. 6…” Rey said nervously. He wasn’t used to all this suspension. He liked knowledge of what people would say next, what they would do next. He loved knowledge. It was all he needed to live on. But now that the power was taken away from him, life meant nothing more than to take what wasn’t his. It didn’t matter. He could make things his own after all this trash. Of course it wouldn’t work out after all those years. Of course.

I GAVE UPPPPPPP. How come I can’t think of anything for this story? Not intriguing? I DUNNNNNNNOOOOOO! Okay. Uh. So, um, bye. Happy New Year’s Eve!!!

Hi-Sky ~ A bit here and there

Swish! The door to the large oval mall that overlooked a large national park slammed shut. The boy walked around and looked at his surroundings as the other humans looked at him in disgust. Why? Because he was a unaffected human. But he was going to be the king in a few months. Yes, it was Kgol.

Kgol didn’t know what would become of him but he thought it would be well. It would, But what he didn’t know was that he’d have to be a programmed to be the king of the world. The people controlling him would be the mindful(ness) counsel. The people that control people are not programmed. They are just pure evil.

“It’s the unaffected human that is to be the king in 4 months! Why is such a low-life becoming king? Ugh..” A programmed human spat out in disgust.
Kgol spun around and smiled menacingly at the human.
“Ugh! And this one has attitude!” The programmed human glared back with twice the hate in its eyes.
Kgol walked on.

Kgol returned to his new home only to be welcomed by the sight of his parents lying on the floor of the domed house, severely stabbed in the back, SEVERAL TIMES.
“…whaahaa?” Kgol spluttered and made a dash to his parents sides to see if there was any chance they were still alive. But, no. They seemed to be dead for about an hour or so.

Kgol was lead to the current king’s quarters as he rubbed his eyes free from tears before he was being presented before the king.
“Sir? The King requests your presence.”

A bit here and there

At least what she told you wasn’t a lie. It’s the truthful truth, okay? … !! Why hu-llo there! I sure didn’t see you there. Did you hear it all? Oh. Whoops. You’ll keep it a secret alright? If you don’t you wouldn’t be very beautiful to see what would happen next. Alright then! We’ll just be on our way, yes? Good. Now go.

It was a cold day in a futuristic land, where people with skin the colours of the rainbow were walking around without a single worry in their minds. A lot of people in this Earth have been programmed to react according to the King. 92% have been programmed with this bug and 8% is unaffected, and reacts to different events normally. So what to the programmed think of the unaffected? Well, in their programs, they think of the unaffected as the worst kind of scum in the whole entire universe. There are rare cases in which a programmed returns itself to an unaffected. Some of the unaffected are chased down by the government and forced to become a programmed. The government is hated by many of the normal people of the world.

Well, enough of that. Yes, it was a VERY cold day. In our most recent years, it would’ve been called a -3 degrees Celsius day. Walking across the street was a turquoise skinned programmed human. This programmed wasn’t quite programmed properly. It was slowly returning to an unaffected. Of course, it wasn’t programmed to know that. The programmed human was called*kgol. It’s unaffected name would be Kgol. *kgol opened the door to it’s purple bubble-shaped house. The house was dimly lit with lines of neon purple/blue/green/pink/white light all around the dome. In the center of the large dome was a single heart-shaped purple couch. In the dome in the next room was furnished with a white desk that reflected the colours of the room, a pink chair, and a magenta bed. The small dome next to it was a washroom with the colours of the rainbow on everything. From the large dome with the single couch in it, there was a circular tunnel going underground, no, underwater. At the end of the tunnel, there was a dome that was surrounded by an oceanic scene with real mechanical fish swimming about. There was another tunnel connected to that bubble, and it lead to a deep, deep, deep, underground room with the earth’s core’s warmth warming the room up from even deeper in the ground. The domed house was one of the largest in the world. It was home to the King *kgol.

HIIIIIIIIII! This series is gonna be a short post for every addition. So don’t ask for too much. Hmph.. Okaaaay, so um, I’m just gonna get going.. BYEEEE!!!

Reincarnation (Miracle) iii

“I know that’s a lie, Your Highness.”

Rey looked up surprised, an unexpected answer came from the messenger/escort. The messenger just smiled briefly and went back to repair the broken wheel. ‘That messenger… is the biggest mystery for now…’ Rey thought.

The messenger is suspicious, now saying that she knows one of Rey’s many secrets. Showing up suddenly, taking him to the Royal Palace, and making things complicated. What else does the messenger have in store for Rey?

Soon enough, the wheel was fixed and the group of travelers were back on the road. Rey was sitting across from the messenger and the carriage was filled with awkward silence. Well, Rey thought so.
“Your Highness, is there anything you are keeping away from the kingdom, because if you are, the Queen, sorry, Empress will find out the hard way. During your absence, the Empress came up with a new set of rules, and laws. Not only am I your escort, I do many other jobs in the Palaces. If there is anything you are wondering, please do not hesitate to ask, Your Highness.” The messenger smiled.
“Alright, I have three questions. Who are you? Where are you from? How old are you?” Rey asked suspiciously.
“Your Highness, my name is Emereld Grawathakwel. I’m 18 years old and I come from the Raelishemn region. My family works in the palace kitchens, gardens, stables, and as maids and butlers. What else might you be wondering about?”
“Who will be my personal butler?”
“My half-brother, Jael Quzerphalk.”
“Great, a connection.” Rey mumbled under his breath.
“What was that, Your Highness?”
“Nothing. Enough talking, I’m tired. Let me sleep.”
“Of course.”

Rey is in quite a awkward situation when he finds out his personal butler is connected to Emereld. How can Rey wriggle himself out of this little jungle of mystery?

“Your Highness, we have arrived at the palace.” Emereld called out, and pulled the window open.
“You. Take the Highness’ things to the prepared room. Get Jael to help him look presentable in front of the Queen, no, sorry, Empress.” Emereld instructed a guard at the entrance.
“DON’T TOUCH MY THINGS!” Rey picked his 4 large bags with one hand and 3 wrapped packages in his other hand and ran through the gates with Jael bumping into him, explaining a few things, then leading Prince Rey to his room to dress him the proper attire.
“This way…”

Jael makes his first appearance, and Rey has no idea what will happen after, for he has lost all control over this story to a single author. He had sensed him. Yes. It’s a male author. It’s hard to tell what was going to happen to Rey’s dreams. Will they stay standing, or, will they fall like a prey to its predator, with another dictator?

Jael fixed Rey’s long reddish brown hair into a loose ponytail and decorated his hair tie with a silver flower topped off with sapphire and diamond beads. He wore a pair of loose, yellow-ish green, silk pants, a low-collared tank that was black, a vest of light brown that flowed behind him as he walked, a long sleeved jacket hung on his shoulders that had a bamboo pattern on it, and of course, a pair of brown leather boots.
“Your Highness, the Empress is waiting and running out of patience. Please DO hurry, Jael.”
“Right away.”

Rey freaks out to the point of silence. He seems to have given up all hope. Jael takes control over his life as prince. How will Rey take this information when his hope is gathered once again?

Hi, uhh. I kind of ran out of ideas for this little blotch of writing for a month or two. So I decided to publish this little bit onto the blog. So, uh, don’t get mad at me.