ow, i think i broke something

I went skating with my brother today. It’s only because he really wanted to. I am okay-ish at skating, not that good to the point I can go super fast confidently. I can’t skate backwards, so that made trying to help him skate really hard. I’m probably going skating tomorrow too, for the sake of trying to teach him more skating with my limited knowledge of skating. YAY!

Anyways, Winter Break has started!! Yay. Time to work more on my writing assignments. And try to sleep more, and eat. Yay. Sounds like a plan.
Did I ever say anything about my report card? I feel like I didn’t do anything to get all of those marks. A hint : I got pretty good, I guess… I feel like I don’t deserve it, it’s like I should have done more than that to get the mark I have. Ahh. I don’t know anymore.
Speaking of school, I should change my topic. I feel it might offend a lot of people. But then again, what do I care? Ahg. WHAT DO I DO.

I should go soon. Should sleep later. Alright, until I’m not distracted!! Adieu~!

marshmallow coats

Hey there. I am currently thinking ahead of my story. I’m thinking of the cover design to help me gain inspiration to write more. Yay. Oh. For gym at school, we have started ping pong! Yay! I noticed that when I hit the ball over, the opponent is confused as how the ball goes out when they have only used very little power. My answer: I HIT THE BALL WITH A LITTLE SPIN AND POWER. My teacher asked me if I thought some of the students were good at anything (from what I see). I replied with, “They’re good at hitting high. With no spin.” Like they just brought the ball up with the racquet. Or is it racket ? Or is it both? I don’t know. I like both. But only for certain situations.
I have ping pong class later. I should do something useful. Well then, see ya! Adieu~!

P.S. The reason this post is titled ‘marshmallow coats’ is because that’s what it looked like. My friend had an intensely puffy jacket. Just saying. It wasn’t bad; I have one!

writing quite a bit

I am currently writing a bit of my novel for school. Only a bit. I can only write my book either with music or when I am not distracted. Is that what other authors do? When I listen to music, I concentrate on a certain part of the song. Maybe the background music that is layered in. I dunno. I don’t even know where I am going with the story, or am I going to change it… Drastically? Or only a little bit?

Ping Pong is starting at school! Yay! I can’t wait to… see how people think they can play. Just kidding. I’m not that mean. I think…

Well, I should be going somewhere with my work, so… until I am done! Adieu~!

haha nice

Hey. It’s kind of cold. Really cold. I have a new big and thick coat and a new pair of boots… Yay! New stuff. Soo… Currently… I have homework. No surprise there. Another thing I should do but I don’t want to is, clean my desk, as it kind of looks like someone smashed into it and forgot to clean up the mess. Well, I kind of DID smash into it. I smashed my TEXTBOOK into my desk. Onto. Yeah.

Yesterday was the Girls’ Volleyball Recreational Playdate! It’s a school team so, of course, it was for fun. The nets were very flimsy. But, whatever, it works!
Ping pong is starting soon for P.E. Yay! My best sport. For the first time. In forever~! Okay… I’m gonna go and finish my homework as fast as possible. Let’s get at it.

below zero??

Heyy. I heard that temperatures may reach -15 degrees Celsius!! That’s like… REALLY COLD. Negative 3 is already really cold for me. Agh!
I should do something with the amount of homework I have (which is not a lot…). I have ping pong class later. That means going outside. NOOoo. It’s too cold.

This is actually really short. I should write more. But I have nothing to say. Aaha. Let’s see. What did I do this month? Wrote stuff, lost a lot of paper that I needed, and forgot how to manage time to do homework properly? I REALLY don’t know. Okay. I’m going to figure it out, so until next time! Adieu~!

what do i do next?

Hiiii. I’m back. So, yesterday the grade sixes went to camp, and all the English grade sevens (me) were together from yesterday, today, and we will be in the same classroom tomorrow too. We are currently making time capsules. To remember our elementary years. Should I combine both school experiences together? I dunno.

Today the all the grade sevens had a game of Capture the Flag. With combined English and French. There was a lot of cheating that went on with both teams. Eh.

Okay. I’m gonna go now. Adieu~!

first hour of grade seven

Hey… Today was the first hour of school. AAH! There are three new students in my class for the rest of the week. Because you never know your permanent teacher until the next Monday. Two of the new students are international students and they are girls. One is from China and is probably in grade seven (I actually don’t know anything except from where they came from), and the other girl is from Thailand and is probably in grade six. The other new student is a grade seven dude… I don’t know where he came out from.
Well, I also don’t have to see this classmate that annoys me a lot… Because he is currently in the other grade seven class. New grade sixes are also in our class. Waah.

So, my school has this thing in the beginning of the year in which the primary students have stations with primary teachers, and intermediate students do stations with intermediate teachers. The stations are thought up by the teachers to let the students know what the teacher is like, personality-wise. And some are really boring and require the use of brain. And some are artsy. And I have no ideas because over the summer, all I do is NOT USE MY BRAIN, and just mindlessly listen to music and read random stuff that you actually learn nothing from. Yeah. I had a somewhat more productive and accomplishing summer this year… With the ping pong stuff that went on. And I am still doing ping pong stuff. Need to improve and stuff. And have fun?

I just realized today that I actually don’t have much in common with them, and I also don’t know why I am even friends with them. If they see this, they probably don’t really know what I am talking about and be a bit offended… I guess. I just think that the things I think about and the way I feel about things are realllly different. It’s just, I don’t understand them and they don’t understand me. Weird. How do we stay friends? We make fun of the same people and are friends with the same people… ish? I just typed a lot of ‘and’ s. That’s weird.

Anyways, it wasn’t really supposed to be this long, I just kind of got carried away… I need to organize a couple things now. Until next time, my friends…

windy days

SO. If you live in the Lower Mainland area in Canada, you will most likely have seen the massive trees that have fallen over. And the power outages… That means you can’t really do anything other than your perfectly charged devices with games that don’t require wifi. Yaay. OOOOOOH. I heard and saw pictures of a tree that had fallen over on to a playground at my school, destroying the playground. Well, a part of it… That same day (yesterday), I went to my ping pong class and I got 2nd place in the Junior Class Tournament. Yaaay!! It has a bunch of stars on it. Four to be precise.

AAAHHH!! School start in 8 days. And. That’s bad. Because it’s grade seven. And people (aka teachers) expect many things from you. AKA maturity, common sense (not at all that common), being organized (and keeping it that way), setting an example. WONDERFUL. I will succeed none of that. Not exactly mature. Common sense??? I don’t even know how that works (aka people tell me I am dense; ’tis true! I don’t notice my surroundings very often)… I am good at organizing things, but I get lazy, and I can’t keep it looking beautiful. I am not good at setting any sort of example… Even if I have a little brother and an older sister to learn from. Different personalities…? I dunno.

It seems that lunch is coming. If you’ll excuse me. Adiooooooooos~!


Today was the Awards Assembly for grades 4-7. I, in total achieved 5 awards: Academic, Effort, Service, Patrol, and Track. To achieve the Academic Award you need to get straight A’s or one B on your report card. To achieve the Effort Award, you need to get all G’s on your report card. To achieve the Service Award you need to be a lunch, paper, computer monitor. For the  Patrol Award you need to be on safety patrol. For The Track Award, you have to join track and show up to practices and go to the track meets. My friends got more awards than me because they want to be more involved, unlike me.
Go me!

still not summer?

Alright~y then. So, yesterday was my school’s SPORTS DAY, and it mostly contained of hula hoops, throwing or stacking. Not as sporty as I had imagined. But then again, next year when it’s my grade’s turn, I don’t think we would be very sporty either, when thinking up a bunch of stations for sports day relating to a single theme.

Just now, I invented a game for my little brother to entertain himself with. I had recently (about a week or two ago…) created a tissue box ‘house’ because I was bored and I wanted to feel like I had accomplished something, and now, my brother was playing with it with a couple of other items as a table, bathtub, bed, and refrigerator. Wow, I haven’t felt like I had done something right in a while (a month..?). Mostly because I kept on getting in trouble because of other people. Whatever, they don’t even deserve my attention if all they do is try to get other people in trouble for the things they do. Why am still going on and on about the things I say don’t deserve any attention? Because I am what some people call ‘frustrated’. Alright.

I gotta go. See ya next time!