
Heyy, I have neglected this for a while as I couldn’t find any thing to write about or even find the time and patience to write a whole post. I really haven’t done much. I did lots of school. I have a large test tomorrow for Socials Studies.

I have been thinking a lot recently. Am I afraid of being in the way of others achieving their goals? Am I being a pushover? I think I have accidentally become a pushover. People borrow my supplies all the time, ask to copy my homework, or to buy things (with the promise to pay me back). I mean, it’s not mean to me, it just makes me think, am I benefiting from my actions? I’ll… think about it over Summer Break, I don’t have time to think these days. Maybe I’ll find something, but for now, I will study. Well then, see you!

writing instead of typing

I am using my tablet instead of typing for this post. I can write everything with it. Quite fun, actually. Watching the letters come out is… interesting.

It’s a week into Spring Break and I haven’t done much work aside from the easy assignments. I’m very lazy, to be honest. Not that I realized just now or anything. Spring Break is fun. Laziness, well, that’s a part of me. :))

There are 7 more months until my birthday. More importantly, my dad’s birthday is in 10 more days. My brother’s is in a month and 8 days. My sister’s is in 3 months and 10 days. And I am too lazy to figure out my mom’s as it is in December. :))

Today, I organized my clothing. As expected, I have lots of clothing that don’t fit. It’s okay, because now I have space for new clothing. But, my allergies act up with all the dust in the air, as well as the amount of ‘spring’. It is the first day of spring.  It is the first day of spring. Yesterday, my family and I went to a park and to had an intense allergic reaction to something that I had to stop my runny nose and many things in my airway was itchy. It’s like that today too. 🙁

Anyhow, I am surviving, so I will go do some useful things. See ya later!

spring into action

Well. It snowed on Monday, and with today being a rather warm Friday, I think the weather is having some temperature spasms. It was like 4 degrees Celsius yesterday, but today was like 11 degrees after school.

Today was the last day of school before Spring Break. I want to meet with an old friend. Mainly because I haven’t seen them in quite a while. Maybe 2 years? I dunno. I talked to them within that time though, but not face-to-face. Anyway, O have some homework, actually less than I thought I would have. I have to do my last Lit. Circle for English, an Art History page (or two), aandd… that’s it. Only two assignments. My Lit. Circle is already half complete, and the Art History page will probably take a day to finish. I finally get to have a bit of a break. But I should still be a little bit productive. Maybe do something useless but art-related. Perhaps sleep a little more. Write more. Conserve energy and lay down for extended periods of time. :)) And play lots of games.

It is getting late. And I want to draw or play a game, so, see y’all later!


I’ve been planning for the past year to post some creative material, however, I ended up making this into some very vague journal for the world to see. But I do have some incomplete work in my drafts and in my random folder with drawings and writing in them. But I really don’t like posting them out… and they are not even done. Or properly developed.

School is a thing. Yeah. I got my marks for English, Socials, French, and… that’s it. Well, those are most of my Day Two classes. There is lots of work to do. And more work to come; I can’t wait for Spring Break. I need a break. I get to skip Friday because I have to go to the Provincials… It goes all the way until the evening. And there is a second part on Saturday. I’m not complaining.

I have been listening to lots of weird OST. I mean, it depends on the actual series right… If the song reminds me of the series, then I think it works. Idk… I think I have very little interest in anything my friends are interested in. Is that a little too mean? However, it is true. They have aspirations, places they want to be, things they want to do, things they will do, and paths to take. I (not a special snowflake) can’t seem to find anything to do with my future. There are so many possibilities.

Course Selection is almost complete, as the only other thing I need to do is enter it into the system. There are many people that say things like, “It’s easier to change things when you’re younger,” or, “It really determines your path later in life.” It kind of… intimidates me. In a way that makes me really stressed and nervous for no actual reason. Course Selection may not be the reason for that stressed feeling. Perhaps the fact that Term Two is ending and Term Three units are starting. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahgggggggg. I’m going to literally explode. Somehow. I’ll figure it out later. Anyway, will I scream internally, I will organize tomorrow’s materials. Goodnight! :))

predicament part ii

Why is my brother so cuute! I know he’s like five, but bro, he’s so adorable. I did an English test this morning; it was composed of two parts: a quotes section of who said it, and an essay. I got 23/30 for the quotes side, and my teacher will mark the essay on her own time. I feel like I will failll. I also did a Socials Studies presentation-ish and I guess I did okay with the information part. I also need to complete my course selection form. I did lots of things today, I guess, compared to me usually. I got all my Day 2 teachers to sign my Field Trip form. I have table tennis provincials in 2 weeks. I’m gonna cry, because I missed 2 practices due to snow this week. Last week, I missed it once due to the Science Fair. I’m so out of shape. And out of focus due to my lack of practice. I also suck at staying warmed-up. Should wear more. :))

School has been quite… busy. It is the end of the term. I dislike making things. Like with wood and intense machines. AKA basic Tech Ed stuff. I enjoy drawing/designing stuff, but I’m probably not going to take Drafting next year. Also Enriched courses are something I might take. I don’t really like how it’s called Enriched. Kind of hard to say, and sounds a little pretentious. It’s also really different from Honours, which I dislike, but like who cares. I just want things to be easier and the same. I don’t enjoy change when it directly affects me. Sad. Anyway, I need to get started on writing an article for the school newspaper which is due in 2 days. I.. yeah. See ya. Goodnight!


Most of my posts are about me and school. Yes, I realize that school is the only other thing that is going on apart from my personal life. Once again, I’m back to update y’all on my homework. I’m currently (like actually at the moment) working on my Socials Renaissance Artist project. I’ve written a paragraph. One solitary passage of 5 to 9 sentences. Just one. As you can see, that amount of work had inspired me to name this post after it.

It snowed a bit more today, adding to the amount snowed yesterday and the day before. The other day, I threw out the trash and it started snowing while I was outside. It looked really cool. Because it started snowing a lot more after. Anyway, today at school, I managed to run through a field of calf-high snow only to find my sister doing the same on the other side. Seems like we find snow very fun. We spent the evening looking at the individual snowflakes (tiny tiny ones that were very FRESH) and their designs. Quite intriguing, really. Actually, it was really cool. We also noticed that we had some icicles hanging from the side of the roof. So we plucked some big ones off and sunk them into the piles of snow on the side. Very entertaining.

I seem to realize lots of things these days. I noticed that my sister and I have been very synchronized recently. Lots of our inside jokes are said at the exact same time that sometimes we don’t even notice the other person even said it until we hear the layering of voices. Is this meant to be?? Haha. Also. Family Day and Valentines’ Day is coming up. Lots of affection related holidays are coming up, and I haven’t gotten any gifts or chocolates yet. Perhaps I will go out over the weekend to get some. 🙂 Anyways, it’s getting a little late, and I should probably sleep since there is still school tomorrow. Goodnight, and see y’all later!

studying fairs

We recently did the Science Fair. Personally, I think our project’s experiment did not really prove our hypothesis, or even answer the question. The only thing that happened was the background research. Which was more thorough than intended. But still quite shallow for not doing anything. We had to present to 5 pairs of judges. It went alright I guess.

I’ve been assigned 2 more projects this week. There is this character study for English; I’m doing it with 2 other people, and we are doing Duke Orsino from Twelfth Night (the whole class will have a test on the entire play on Friday…). The other one I have barely started is a Socials poster thing on Renaissance Artists. I’m doing Pieter Bruegel the Elder. One problem is that I have to print a picture of one of his works for it, and most of his famous works include lots of colour, and I don’t have a colour printer handy. Uhhhh.

Anyway, I should do work… tomorrow. It’s late. Goodnight, and see y’all later!

a hint of red

It’s almost Chinese New Year! Today, I had table tennis practice. I ran around for various reasons. Some things happened that caused a bit of a commotion. I have surprisingly survived almost 2 terms of high school. Now, I’m starting to wonder, how am I supposed to survive the next 4 years? Wait. How is it 2017 already? 2017 seems like such a large number. It’s been almost an entire month of 2017, and I’m still not used to it. There are so many things to do, yet, I really really don’t want to do any of it.

There is this report for the Science Fair that we have to write; it should be approximately 500 words in total, but I have written about half of the report, and I have reached around 579 words last time I checked. This is great. I don’t think my teacher wants to read all that I have written, so I will use the next week to look it over with my partner and complete, or start, the poster board in the week. My partner doesn’t do much, so I told her to at least to get the poster board, however I started saying that back in December, and now we have a week left to finish this FAIR, and she promises to get it this weekend. Great. I totally don’t feel rushed now. I really want this Science Fair, English Test + Essay, Math Building Project, Tech Ed Project, Art Project, SCHOOL to end. I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish all this with a passing mark. Or a satisfying mark with the amount of time left until all these things are due.

I like my of my teachers. However, there are some that just don’t sit well with me, like I don’t really understand or think that the way they teach is very efficient with a class that I have. Oh crap. I just remembered that for my English and Essay, we have this outline sheet, which I am mostly finished, but I have yet to make notes for the conclusion. See? I’m done with this. Get me outta here. I should sleep soon. Well then, goodnight and see ya later!

what you will

I have some things to do that are related to school, however, I have typed half a paragraph and I am already sick and bored of it. I just don’t want to do work. Or study. I kind of want to imagine myself doing work, but when I actually get started, I can’t concentrate.

I really dislike thinking about school work, and generally anything that requires a lot of effort. School. UGHHH. Only one thing has made me a little more happy is the fact that I am on the school table tennis B team, almost A, but I highly doubt that I will be in the A team due to the fact that there are older, more experienced players in the current line-up. I should work my way from the bottom to experience the tournaments first. I have practice tomorrow. That means, I should recharge, and then do some more work… more thinking…
Anyway, see ya’ll next time I write!

missed it

Today, I missed the bus on the way home, so I walked home. It takes the same amount of time anyway. I walked past my elementary school. I think my shoes were too flat, and that caused my feet to hurt.

Anyway, at school, we have this thing called a Science Fair. I have barely started, and I already don’t like it. Unlike the others; they say that they hate it; but I just don’t like it. Like, really don’t like it. I have table tennis team practice tomorrow. And P.E. before that; it’s block 4. At least it’s basketball. I mean, if it doesn’t drain the energy out of me, table tennis might. Another thought, I have to go home after that. I have to take the busss. Or call home. Idk. I might take the bus anyway.

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I still dislike Tuesdays. Dammit. Well, I don’t like any other day. Except… Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, time isn’t moving any faster for me to skip a couple of days. Dammit. Anyway, I should organize my stuff for tomorrow, so goodnight! ((: